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 ITE HONG KONG - Trade WebSite
ITE HONG KONG     13-16/6/2024, HKCEC
13-16/6/2024, HKCEC



Important Notice 特別通告

ITE Hong Kong 2020 ANNOUNCEMENT – Organizer to decide soon on Course of Action

On 11 March, the Director-General of World Health Organization made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic! In past week, many countries and regions impose / step up travel restriction which include quarantine at arrival and visa cancellations. For example, US announced yesterday suspending all travel from Europe, except UK, for thirty day

Though COVID-19 outbreak now largely under control and recovering started (please refer to March 9 update), nevertheless, China (mainland) and Hong Kong are stepping up travel restrictions on arrivals in order to better control imported cases.

With the global situation worsening rapidly, ITE Hong Kong 2020 will have to be changed substantially as it becomes a big question how much of its highly international profile can be kept. Last year, some 85% of its 675 exhibitors and nearly 40% of its over 11000 buyers and trade visitors were from outside Hong Kong.

TKS, the organizer of ITE Hong Kong, has been monitoring the situation, publishing regular updates and making contingency planning. TKS is assessing the alternatives to decide on the course of action for the coming future, and will be making announcement(s) accordingly the earliest in next week.

If you have any query, please contact TKS via email travel@tkshk.com or call +852 31550600

March 12, 2020

2020 香港國際旅遊展特別通告 - 主辦方快將決定行動方案

3月11日世界衛生組織總幹事評估認爲COVID-19已具有大流行特徵!過去一週,多個國家及地區陸續實施/加強入境旅客限制,包括隔離政策及取消入境簽證。 例如昨天美國宣報暫停除英國外所有歐洲國家前往美國的旅行,爲期30天!


隨著全球疫情迅速惡化,考慮到ITE的參展商及專業觀眾為數不少是來自境外,上屆的675家參展商 (境外佔85%),1.1萬名買家和專業觀眾中 (境外佔近40%),ITE仍能否維持其高國際比例將是今年一大疑問,因此ITE 2020香港旅展將要作出重大調整!

ITE 主辦方匯眾密切注意當前局勢,定期發布最新情況並製定應急計劃。 匯眾將於本週評估有關替代方案,預計於下週初向參展商及買家公佈具體安排。

如有查詢,請聯絡匯眾 電郵: travel@tkshk.com 致電: +852 31550600


The 38th edition
13 June (Thu) -16 June (Sun), 2024
Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (Hall 1)
The 19th MICE Travel Expo co-locating with the 38th ITE Hong Kong will be held from 13 to 16 June 2024 at Hall 1 of the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.
ITE is strongly supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China